Friday, August 28, 2009


Baby Bean #4

All went well at my OB/GYN appointment on the 25th. She did an ultrasound and saw only 1 baby in there...I can easily say I was a bit relieved. lol She gave me a due date of April 12th, 2010, even though all the charts and computers have given a date of April 11th. Baby's heart rate was 142, and everything looked well. At my appointment I was 7 weeks 2 days. I am to start all the lovely blood work that comes along with pregnancy. I will probably be going in in the next couple weeks to get it done.

I am nauseous beyond belief. Actually, this does not surprise me at all. Each child has done this to me, only in different ways. I was hoping to escape the sickies, but alas, I am not that lucky. I am hungry all the time, but as soon as I get a whiff of anything, I want to puke. Hub's cologne, air fresheners, fried meat, meat in general, soaps, toothpastes, pretty much everything. lol. I am getting the headaches again, and I am trying all I can to not let them get the best of me. The kids have been a tremendous help. Girly has been getting the boy's their meals, and Hub's has been cooking dinners.

School starts up on Sept. 8th. Crazy starts Kindergarten and Girly will be in 7th grade. It's absolutely crazy to me. I am nervous for Crazy, but I think he will do wonderful. He will ride the bus this year, except for the first week or so when I will take them so he can get used to school. We got school clothes shopping done, and they are both excited for the year to begin. Girly is on cheer squad this year. She had a cheer camp last week and is so excited to be a cheerleader. She looks so cute in her uniform. When I get a chance to snap a picture of her in it, I will post it. They are suppose to wear them on the first day of school, so I will be sure to get lots of pics then.


Lisa said...

Hooray for Baby Bean #4!!! Thanks for the update! Glad your first appointment went well. Sorry that you're so sick, though.

ALRO said...

That's awesome!!
Well the nausea part isn't awesome.. but the kid part is :)