Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day Everyone! I can't express how much appreciation I have for all our Veterans! It makes me sad to think that before I got married, this day was just another day for me. We were just a couple teenagers doing our thing. Then hubs went to bootcamp, then we got married. The Marine Corps became our focus and our whole life. At that point Veterans Day became a day that we put out our flag, and watched old war movies (well Hubs anyways, I just can't get into The Halls of Montezuma LOL). Now that Hubs is out, and is a Veteran, it carries even more significance. He put 8 years of his life in the Corps. WE put 8 years of our lives into the Corps. And we think of all the men and women that served our country, that are still serving our country and those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. These are the people that put their lives on the line for us. These are the people that save the very freedom that most of us take for granted. So Thank You Hubs, and Thank you Veterans!

Okay, enough of that. Here is a picture of MY Veteran! MY Marine. Happy Birthday Marine Corps. You did more for me and my family then anyone will ever know!


Amie said...

Great Tribute!

Ben said...

Very well said and Happy Veterans Day back atchya.


Anonymous said...

Thank you to all vetrans and actives indeed!!

Ummm...a trip to Michigan is coming up, right? You know it's like cold and stuff here now, right?

Just saying...bring lots of socks and hats.

eyes_only4him said...

thats a nice looking marine there...
