Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Random Things/People I Hate....

Being this is the 2nd day of nothing but wind and crap outside, I have decided to dedicate this post to things I hate. I don't discriminate so therefore, I will be including some people.... lol

1. The wind. Now usually I don't mind the wind. In Michigan, I didn't mind the wind. But here in To Hot Shit Hole Cali, I HATE the wind. Sand everywhere. In my hair, mouth, clothes and yes, in my house. Hate it. Damn wind, go away!

2. Stray dogs. Now I am a dog lover. Those of you who know me know I am a big animal lover. But when you stray dogs wander onto my property, provoke my two dogs, and shit everywhere then I start to hate you.

3. Stray dog owners. You people that insist on not taking care of your animals and let them aimlessly wander onto other people's property!!!! You suck for not taking care of your animals.

4. Litterers. How fricken hard is it to take your trash, and stick it in your pocket, car or up your ass for all I care until you can get to a trash receptacle??? Geesh, it's not that hard!!

5. Random bits of metal, glass, plastic and other crap stuck in the ground that I step on and have to pick up. This goes along with those damn litterers!!

6. Cigarette Butts! This also goes along with you litterers! (I smoke, but I don't litter with my butts!!!)

7. That newscaster guy on the 6 a.m. news. He is soooo annoying I just want to shoot myself in the head when I listen to him.

8. The newscaster lady that sits beside the newscaster guy and laughs at him like he is hysterically funny every time he makes a stupid ass joke!! Pooowwwww, there's another bullet to the head!

9. Poopy diapers that leak through the diaper and into the clothes that the child is wearing and the child continues to walk, run and plop down on his butt until all the poopy has leaked out of the diaper and onto his skin and clothes. Why can't he somehow tell you he has pooed allot??? I don't know, but the smell kind of gives it away. How the heck does he sit in it for so long and not get grossed out??? Geesh, kids amaze me!

10. Those little pricker things that get stuck to my shoes and dogs and then get drug into the house, stuck in my carpet and then I step on them barefooted. Hate them.

11. Loud, obnoxious toys that the boys insist on turning up to full volume while I am on the phone.

12. Time Warner Cable customer service people. Complete idiots.

13. Time Warner Cable man that gives me a time slot of 11 am through 5 pm that they will be arriving. Yah, I don't have a life or anything, but occasionally I do like to leave the house!

14. Avatar the cartoon on Nickelodeon. I'm really starting to hate this show only because Hubs has taken an extreme liking to it, and there are about 10 episodes recorded on the dvr and we HAVE to watch them every night! lol (love ya babe! lol)

Ok, I am sure I could post a million other things, but I probably should go and check on the boys. They are being much to quiet and that usually means something bad is going on!!!


Me said...

Amen to the strays that shit in our yards and the poopy pants. I hate the bastard telemarketers that insist on calling at 8pm on a Sunday night. I swear I could just reach through the phone and strangle them. Oh, and take those damn noisy toys away from the boys so we can have a normal conversation someday here :D

ALRO said...

I hate bad drivers!!!!! Bad drivers should walk -- they make the best targets !! :)

Liza said...

Number Nine doesn't exist and you can't convince me otherwise.

I love your list!! very funny :)

Nature Girl said...

#2,#3, and #4 are on my shitlist as well. I swear I'm going to put animal control on speed dial and start running down litterbugs with my car!

Jamie said...

Wow, I have missed your posts. Good to have you back and be able to seriously LOL. I agree with those all too. As Zach would say, "People need to grow a brain".

for a different kind of girl said...

Oh Avatar...I shouldn't even start because my griping about it will start to sound like those loud, obnoxious toys!

Anonymous said...

freaking hilarious.

I to hate the wind here, Im in Vegas, I swear I've eaten a bazzillion cereal size bowls of dirt & dust in the past three years.

sorry about the typing hurt my finger,

Nature Girl said...

Heather, Please email me