Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Can I get an EASY button?

Man oh man. It has been crazy around here. Non-stop. Like a dog trying to catch his fricken tail. Run, run, run. Lets see. Girly started school. Girly started soccer. Got a big fricken check in the mail. Paid off major debt. Bought tickets to go home for Turkey Day and see our families. Already bought and paid for Halloween costumes and some Christmas gifts (yes I am sick and am already thinking of Christmas, but since it will be taken care of in Sept. I have all the rest of the year to not worry about buying gifts! LOL) Oh and Daddy got a new car. Yah, and what am I gonna get you ask?? hahahahahaha. Don't know. Probably nothing. But hopefully my long awaited 6th tattoo. Yes. I still have yet to get Baby Boy's name engraved into my skin. Some people may say I am sick. But the more I think of another tattoo, the more eager I am to get it. It's an addiction I tell ya! The buzz and hum of a tattoo gun makes me giddy. I am CHOPPZS and I am a tattooaholic.


Amie said...

Thats awesome that you guys get to go home from Thanksgiving! And that you paid off a big debt! :D I always hear that tattoos are addicting.

Anonymous said...

The only tattoos I will be getting are the ones that you lick and press onto your skin. Needles are like something I don't deal with unless the doctor makes me.

Or I'm in labor and need an epidural.

Me said...

Ditto to what TKW said--NO needles for this chicky. Just thinking about it is making me queezy.

Mom told me how much that check was for and all I gotta say is DAAAAAMN! That rules! I sooooo wish we could get our hands on that kind of loot. That'd kick ass! I'm sure it's helping you guys out in a BAD way! Not to mention you get to come home :) Woo hoo! Love ya!

eyes_only4him said...

i love tattos too. i have 5..

so where do i get me a check like that?

i am willing to do anything mind you.

Anonymous said...

I have a Spongebob Tat on my arm from the weekend still! lol

Jamie said...

No tattoos here...I couldn't handle the needles either. That rocks that you get to be with family for Thanksgiving! And how awesome to get some extra money to pay off bills! Woohoo!