Friday, November 02, 2007

It's Fricken Wild America Here.....

Holy Cow peoples, I swear this house has some sort of animal magnetism or some crazy shit like that! First it was the bobcat and scorpion, now I have wild, crazy cats coming into the house. My friend and I went to go pick up some pizza for dinner last night. We pulled into the driveway and walked through the garage and into the breezeway that leads into the house. All of sudden we see something black and furry run and jump smack into the slider door. Then it whips around and smacks into the window. Holy shit, this thing was going berserk. After a couple seconds of watching the stupid thing ram into the slider and window numerous times with it's head, we crack open the front door(so to not let the kids or dogs out to get tore up by this mad cat) and yell at the guys to get their butts out there to help us. By this time I figure the stupid thing is dazed from slamming itself into the walls and windows so many times that it settled into the corner behind a few things. Hubs comes out and opens up the slider door. The cat doesn't move. So after a minute or two I am like "uh yah throw a shoe or something at it. I am not leaving this room till that cat is gone and the doors are shut!" So Hubs throws a shoe at it, and it races out the door. Holy cow, that thing was bouncing off the walls like a rubber ball. It must have came in through the garage while we were out getting the food. That'll teach me to leave any doors or windows open!


Nature Girl said...

Holy cow...poor thing was probably lost and scared out of it's mind..I hope it made it's way home finally..

kimmyk said...

Aww poor kitty!
I'm surprised your dog didn't smell it or somethin. If it were me, I'da fed it outside. Hope it got home okay.

Kari said...

OMG I would have freaked the heck out!!

LOL makes for a good story though, hahaha.

for a different kind of girl said...

Apparently this is nature's way of telling you your plan is to begin operating an animal refuge in your spare time. Yep.

Nature Girl said...

TAG! You're it!

Anonymous said...


('cause it's you and not me... but I'm glad it wasn't a skunk!!!)