Saturday, January 19, 2008

ALLLL Better!

Furnace is fixed. We have heat! Yahhhhh!!

Just got me 2 new tats! I will post pics when they are good to take off the wrap. I just finished them about 10 mins ago! lol I got me a new ladybug on my foot, and the ladybug I got almost 12 yrs. ago got a new leaf to sit on and hide his 2 extra legs that shouldn't have been there (he was a ladybug with 8 legs instead of 6 lol). I looked up the symbolism of ladybugs and it says....

"Cultures all over the world associate the fabled Ladybug with Good Luck and Good Fortune. For the English and French farmers it indicates good weather. In Sweden and other countries the Ladybug will bring Good Luck with finding your true love. Some Asian cultures believe that the Ladybug understands human language, and has been blessed by God. In Europe, during the Middle Ages, insects were destroying the crops, so the Catholic farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon the Ladybugs came, ate the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops! The farmers began calling the ladybugs "The Beetles of Our Lady", and they eventually became known as "Lady Beetles"! The red wings represented the Virgin's cloak and the black spots represented her joys and sorrows."

Isn't that neat?

Did I mention I love tattoos! lol So addictive.

Sissy comes to visit next week. Very excited about that. I am just happy that we have our furnace fixed and I don't have to worry about them having to stay at a hotel a couple extra days! We're good Beth! lol


kimmyk said...

i want a tattoo but i'm a big ole chicken shit.

i want the word 'hope' in hebrew between my shoulder blades.

dunno why i just do.

can't wait to see yours!

ALRO said...

I'm gonna get another one someday.. not sure when.. i don't even know what...

Glad you have heat.. it does get important when it gets cold out.. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'd probably get another Tattoo if I could tolerate the annoying droning of pain that seems to be a must with the whole process.

for a different kind of girl said...

I'm too chicken to do the whole tattoo thing. I think part of it is I don't know what I'd want to look at on my body for the rest of my life!

And yet I am obsessed with the idea of piercing my nose!

Liza said...

ladybugs scare the crap outta me. but i bet your tats are cute :)

yay for heat!!

ALRO said...

Blither: it's not THAT painful.
depending on where you get them..? I guess... like..
Where do you get them?!

Nature Girl said...

That's cool about the lady bug..wanna know a secret? I'll tell nickname when I was a kid was ladybug. It got started (don't laugh ok?) at girlscout camp when a ladybug was crawling on me..and that was my "camp name" for years. Only a select few know this.

I'm way too chicken to ever get a tat. They scare me, but sometimes I see girls with a cute little colorful one and I think maybe...but Iknow I never will.

I hope everything gets back on track at your place soon...heat, water, no more sickness..Geez girl. you need a vacation!

Me said...

Yes you are good and we're having a good time...HAHAHAHAHA!