Thursday, February 21, 2008


Ok, just a quick question for all my peeps out there.

Did anyone else experience anything weird with your electronic stuff on Tuesday?

I am asking only because that was the day our cells went out. Our internet went out. All the local phone companies went out. All the credit card machines at stores and resteraunts were not working. And the local banks couldn't do any transactions either.

So did this happen anywhere else but here? Just curious.

So yah, nothing else.

Just me and my broken glasses so I can't see eyes. Sucks. Headaches galore. Now our stupid insurance is telling us we have certain coverage and these are our providers, but the provider in our area is telling us they don't accept it. Now it looks as if Lenscrafters will once again be getting our business. Money grubbing, expensive bastards.

On a good note, our stove comes tomorow morning sometime. Now i can buy that pizza and keep it warm!! lol


Melissa said...

Nothing weird happened here to my knowledge. Yay for the coming stove!!! I love your piglet background :D

for a different kind of girl said...

Nothing weird happened in the middle of the world here, either!

Have fun cooking! We got a new stove about a month's a pretty decoration! Ha!

Me said...

Nope, must just be Cali :) We're just in cold shit.

Amie said...

Nothing weird here, but wasn't there a big earthquake around then? Maybe that had something to do with it...

ALRO said...

Now you'll have to cook.
We had power go out on 14000 customers last night here in Ottawa (I was not one of them).. does that count?

Anonymous said...

Damn... I can't remember Tuesday.
Alzheimer's? Hmm.

Love the pigs!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya with the lack of glasses thingie. I get wicked bad headaches without mine...

I moved...

kimmyk said...

nope. nothing weird happened here.

but that is strange.

Liza said...

Nothing happened to me, but I do know that for cell phones if you have an older model the cell phone companies switched over to all digital or something kinda like what's gonna happen to tv's next year.