Taking Crazy to school now has become a short play time for Baby Boy. We get there a few minutes early which gives Baby Boy time to run around and play with all of Crazy's classmates.
As we were sitting on the wall, waiting for the teacher to open the doors, Baby Boy takes a liking to a little, black boy. This little boy is always brought to school by his Grandma, but today both his Grandma and Grandpa were there with him. The Grandpa was sitting on the opposite side, across from us with his back to us and Grandma was standing next to me. Baby Boy excitedly runs around with the boy and Crazy. He then realizes he has not shown the little boy his shirt. His Curious George monkey shirt.
If anyone knows Baby Boy, his speech stinks. He refuses to talk, but will sign and make noises to no end.
He grunts at the boy, grabs his shirt, points at Curious George and starts to jump up and down, making monkey noises.
Both boys start to jump around, scratch themselves, and "ooohhh ooohhh ahhh ahhh" all over.
I knew immediately this may not be taken as a good thing.
The Grandpa, who by the way wasn't watching, just listening, turns, grabs his grandson's hand and says "You aint no monkey! Who callin you a monkey?"
The little boy was kind of confused. I could see it in his face. Like "what the hell you talking about?"
The Grandma then steps in and says "No, no Edward (whatever his name was), the little boy has a monkey on his shirt! Curious George is on his shirt and he was showing him!"
"Oh Oh, OK, then, but son, you ain't no monkey!"
Then the boys went about jumping and scratching themselves till school opened up.
I wanted to laugh, because Baby Boy was having so much fun being a monkey and showing off his shirt, but I had to hold myself back from correcting the gentleman myself. Luckily his wife did before I had the chance. I knew right away that as soon as Baby Boy started with this monkey kick, it was going to get someone in trouble. lol
LOL I could see where that was going...too funny. I LOVE Curious George;)
haha.. that's funny!
I do a really good monkey... tho' i'm more of an APE now...
yip.. Deb loves it when i do that.
LOL! That is so funny. It is beautiful though how little kids don't see color like that.
You sure have a way with words...what a cute story...you were always good at writing in school,maybe there's a talent waiting to get developed:)
You sure have a way with words...what a cute story...you were always good at writing in school,maybe there's a talent waiting to get developed:)
You sure have a way with words...what a cute story...you were always good at writing in school,maybe there's a talent waiting to get developed:)
Aww. Won't be long and baby boy will be off to school....
you can totally tell what generation the grandpa was from!
your boys look so much alike!
I'm glad at least Grandma was able to understand the situation and explain it to Grandpa or things might have gotten uncomfortable. Little kids have no concept of stuff like that, but the adults seem to instill it in them. Such a shame.
ROTF! Hilarious! Adorable babies.
Love it! Thank gosh Grams was there to rein in the situation before it got out of hand! my youngest loved the Curious George movie with Will Ferrel's voice.
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