Friday, September 12, 2008

Repeat After Me

"Be quiet!"

"Not now!"

"Say you're sorry!"


"Well then use the bathroom for crying out loud!"

"Put away your shoes!"

"Whose socks are these?"

"Quit hitting the dog!"

"You're hungry all the time."

"You're not going to die of thirst."

"I think you'll survive."

"What the hell?"

"Don't spit!"

"Damn, motherf*cken dog, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!' (usually said to the new dog who has taken a liking to digging in my newly seeded yard that has finally started to look like a beautiful green yard. Now it looks like a burial ground.)

"Do I look like a maid?"

"No, I am not your maid!"

"Somebody let the dogs out please."

"Somebody let the dogs in please." (I swear everyone is deaf but me. Do they not hear the dogs barking non-stop for 30 mins?)

"Doesn't anyone but me notice that the ice maker needs to be filled with water?" (I swear everyone does notice, but when they walk by and see the light on, they just figure if they leave it long enough, I'll do it. And I do. Jerks! lol)

"Take care of your clothes!"

"Pick up these toys before the dogs chews them up!"

"Well...I told you to pick them up, it's not my fault Sokka got ahold of them!"

"I can't fix that honey, it's trash now!"

"No more cheese!"

"Don't feed the dogs!"

"Get out of the kitchen!"

Holy cow, I need a major vacation. Luckily tonight, at 5:45, I get a whole hour and a half to myself to get my nails done. Not allot, but it's been way over due, and I love to sit there and let her work on my hands! lol Do you think if I brought a tub, some Calgon and a bottle of wine that she would still work on me?


kimmyk said...


it's amazing the times in a day we say the same things over again and for years on end isn't it??

the job of a mother....


Me said...

I'm telling ya, you need to come home and we'll do girly time!!!!! I could hear the envy in your voice last night :D

Lisa said...

I hear ya, girl!

eyes_only4him said...

I hear ya...I hear ya...damn...Im gonna go get my nails did right with ya;)

ALRO said...

Yes to all of the above!

You forgot a few..

"What do I look like a bank to you?"
"Do you think Money grows on trees?"

"What do you mean, how do you turn on the light ... what's that thing on the wall?? That's right a light switch -- and a light switch does what again?? yyeeeees turn on the light... SO TURN ON THE FUGGIN' LIGHT!"

"Put your plate in the dishwasher.. What are you doing? What does watching the birds have anything to do with putting your dish in the dishwasher... Ooh shiny thing.. shining thing... look at the ... PUT YOUR DISH AWAY i'm not being funny!"

yip.. happens all the time.

I Am Boymom said...

Laughing at the dog cussing thing...which is why we have cats now. I couldn't do boys AND dogs, and since I couldn't give the boys back...
Hope the nail appointment helped, I am ready for one myself!

I Am Boymom said...

Hey...I tagged you. You can call me names and curse my grandchildren after you check out my "Quirky" post for more details.