Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hunting Bugs

Today was my 36/37 wk OB appt. I was told my blood pressure was to high and I need to relax. That wasn't surprising because I had both boys with me today. I was also told I am measuring at 38 weeks and he thinks this baby will be a bigger baby. I told him the weights of the other kids and he said this baby will probably be my biggest one. Oh goody! LOL I gained a couple more pounds, but my 2nd glucose test came back just fine. He said I need to quit drinking soda because that is what is causing the swelling in my feet. Not surprising, but we all know how I love my soda. Little Dude's heartbeat was strong and aside from the blood pressure, he is looking good!

Aside from that, today was the boy's yearly physicals (hence the reason why both boys were with me today). Crazy's 6 year, and Baby Boy's 4 yr. Crazy looks great. His nose was double checked to make sure it was good to go and he was given a new prescription for his inhaler. We talked a bit about his nighttime accidents. Doc said boys bladders mature later and they only really start to get concerned around the ages of 7 or 8 if they are still bed wetting. He said just keep doing what we are doing (getting him up at night to go and cutting off his drinks at 6) and use allot of positive reinforcement. Baby Boy was in for his preschool physical. He got pricked twice, once for TB and the other was to check his hemoglobin. He did fantastic and hardly flinched at all. His vision was checked and everything looked good. He was also given a new prescription for his allergy eye meds. We need to go back on Thursday to have his TB test looked at. All this just for preschool. All in all, the boys are healthy and looking good!

On a different note, Girly was sent home today because she has lice. This is our first encounter with lice, so we aren't quite sure how to go about getting it taken care of. The school gave us a treatment to use on her, and gave us some instruction sheets. Tonight has been busy. Hubs did 2 treatments on her head, while I washed all sheets, towels, clothing, stuffed animals and anything else she's been in contact with. I baked all comforters in the dryer and vacuumed all the furniture and floors. We are beat. Now she has to miss a couple days of school to make sure the lice are dead. This adds to the 2 days she missed last week because she had what we thought was pink eye, but turned out to be allergies. Fun times I tell you! Now we just keep our eyes on the boys and ourselves and pray that no one else gets it!

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