Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feeling Old

You know what makes me feel old?

When Girly's Gpa gives her a cassette tape player and this is the conversation that came about.

Girly: "OHHHHH, what's this"

Me: "'s a cassette player"

Girly: "Huh?" *insert confused look here*

Me: "Yah, a cassette player, you know to play cassette music tapes?"

Girly: "Uhhhh...ok" *insert very confused look here*

Me: "Never mind!!"

At that point I had to explain to Gpa that she has never used cassette tapes, only CDs. Then I had to explain to Girly what cassette tapes were using the example of an old Christmas cassette we used to listen to when she was little.

Gpa: "Oh, well, it has a radio on it too!"

Girly: "Oh ok!" (still looking very confused)


Nature Girl said...

LOL...that's too funny! Things like that always make me feel old these days! I tell ya... ;)

Amie said...

Yeah...that makes me feel old as well!

Me said...

Wow that's pretty bad! What the heck is he doing giving her a cassette player anyway? Aren't those extinct or something??

And, damn, we are getting old :D

kimmyk said...

don't even try to explain 8 track's to her then. it will just be horrible. or worse yet. records. oy.

our kids today are so techy aren't they? amazing that little ones are using computers in preschool. i've only been on a computer 10 years and honestly, i bet that's just as long as some 6th graders. lol. how sad is that?

Liza said...

haha!!! I love it when i see a car so "old" that it still has a cassette player :)

Kari said...

LOL...just think, when baby boy is that age he'll probably be like "Mom, remember when we had to use CD's?" and "Why did you need that disk thing? Just plug in the MP3!"

Jamie said...

ugh, i hate feeling old