Wednesday, April 02, 2008

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted and used against you

Whoever made up that saying about waking up on the wrong side of the bed was dead on!

I don't know what it is, or why, but this morning has just made me One, Cranky, Bitch.

Nothing in particular happened. In fact it was a morning just like any other. But I have this urge to rip someones head off.

I decided I needed coffee. And of course, we are out. So I pack the kids up early to take Girly to school and head off to Starbucks.

All I hear the whole way is...

"What can I get mom?"

"Can I get coffee?"

"I'm hungry!"

"I want food!"

"Yummmmmmm, Yummmmmmmm!!!!!!!"

Holy Cow!!! Can't a cranky woman just get some damn coffee in peace?

Then Hubs calls me. We usually talk in the mornings before I get Girly to school just for our routine 5 minute chat. I had forgotten to call him, plus we left early so that's when he called me. Mid way through our conversation in the Starbucks drive-thru I was about to hang up on him. lol Nothing he was saying was different from any other day or morning, but all I could hear was "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"
So I handed the phone over to Girly who proceeded to talk. lol So to you Hubs, it was not you, it was me! lol

Now that I got my coffee, and the kid's got their cream drinks, all has settled down.

I called Hubs back and talked civilly.

Now I must get the boys ready to go and get lunch, and go and get a new set of keys for my new toy.

Oh that's right, I didn't mention that did I?

I got me a new vehicle.

His name is Fonz! lol or at least for now till i come up with a suitable name for him.

He is a Ford Expedition. Charcoal grey. Big, beefy and totally more my style then the van.

I love him. And he doesn't fit in my garage!! lol

And as soon as i get off my lazy ass and charge my camera, I will take pics of my new boyfriend to show you all!!


Melissa said...

Yes, I have days like that quite frequently. It is nice to know that I am not alone. Can't wait to see your new ride.

for a different kind of girl said...

My van is starting to make weird sounds and it sometimes makes this grinding noise. When it does, I feel just like you described in this post. Can't wait to see your new ride!

Me said...

I can't wait to see the beast! How cool!

I was a cranky bitch on Saturday so don't feel bad. At least you got your coffee! Speaking of which, thanks for reminding me I need creamer :)

Liza said...

i hate it when i wake up and i'm in the pissiest mood for no reason and i can't get rid of the cranky mood.

i want some coffee now!

kimmyk said...

it's okay to have a bad day.
we all have 'em.
yeah starbucks makes things better.

yeah for new cars. i love my new car too. makes me feel good when i'm sitting in the drivers seat..alone. just me and my ride. lol.

Lisa said...

Mmmm.... Starbucks always gets me in a better mood too!

Have fun with the Expedition!

{illyria} said...

oohhh, an expedition. that was all the rage here a few years back, and it still looks yummy after all this time. congrats! :)

~grey said...

I wanted an expedition.... but it wouldn't fit in the garage either. So I got an Escape.

His name is Ernie.