Thursday, July 06, 2006

Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

No, not really, but it sounded good. But I am in pain. The same pain I felt right after my gullbladder surgery has come back (the pain that laid me out for a week straight afterwards). Yep, this sharp pain in the right side of my stomach, right between 2 of the incisions made to remove that haneous thing. It creeps up on me when I bend over, and when I exhale. It started up about 3 or 4 days ago and has gradually gotten worse. I called the doc today. They are ordering me an ultrasound and some bloodwork. What could it be I ask? Oh any number of things. It could be a gallstone they accidentally left in, and now has no where to go and is causing trouble. It could be a tear in something they fiddled with. It could be built up gas that also has no where to go. Any number of things she says. But it could also be something that could affect my liver and pancreas so they need to run some tests to find out for sure why I am in pain once again. Damnitt, I thought once they took that stupid thing out I would be home free. Not my luck. My luck has also given me a lovely cold to go along with this pain. So everytime I sneeze or freaken cough, I double over. Plus, hubby is leaving for the weekend. He is going to Ozzfest. So hopefully I don't need to make any sudden trips to the ER while he is away. That would suck.

OH, and I am not at all against anyone that may want to send some getwell presents!!!! Chocolate, cookies, cakes or a good bottle of strong liquor would be much appreciated! I would settle for a nanny or babysitter to help me out this weekend too!! lol


Jennifer said...

Well here is some get well wishes. Sorry you have that kind of pain. Sending good vibes your way that it's nothing major and simple to correct.

Me said... know I'd come sit with you if I could :) Just let the kids run rampid and we could chill in the living room with some nice wine :) Ah, sounds wonderful!

Hope those bastards figure out what the heck is wrong with you and fix it in a jiffy!

Love ya!

Jamie said...

Hope your weekend goes well with hubby gone and praying your pains go away and it is nothing too serious! Wish we all lived near one another to help one another out on those off-the-wall days!

Fantastagirl said...

I hope they figure out what is causing your pain, and that it's a "nothing" type thing. Sending good vibes your way!