Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Ok, so I don't have squat to write about really. I just wanted to write enough so that I couldn't see that big ol woman on the page anymore!!! lol Yikes, I should really remove that, it's giving me nightmares.

Easter weekend was fun. We made a trip down South (still in Cali of course) towards wine country. Yep, Easter morning Hubs, myself and some friends of ours made a trip to some wineries. What a way to spend Easter!! Getting drinks and buying some good ass wine!!! It really is beautiful country though!!! Seeing all the vineyards is a site!!! And at 9 am in the morning, there is nothing better then chugging down some fine wine!!! lol I think we will go back soon, and get ourselves some more!!

The kids made a haul of course. The usual blah blah blah of Easter. Candy, junk, more junk and cavities. I swear if I see anymore Cadbury eggs, or jelly beans I will load up a BB gun with them and shoot myself!!!

Crazy Boy is doing great with potty training. My usual day consists of cleaning, feeding the kids, laundry, making beds, blog time, and "Momma, Momma, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta peeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Ok, ok, soooo gooo!!!! I then take him to the potty (may I remind you, this is about every 1/2 hour or so), sit him down (he likes to sit) then it's "I tucking it in Momma, shooting the water! OK, done....Shake, shake, shake, I shake it off Momma! All done!" Then we do the damn pee pee dance, say Hooray, and wash hands. Then it's "Momma, I want an egg!!" (he gets a Reese's pieces egg as a treat) Damn it, I should have never resorted to treats for using the pot! This kid knows too that every time he goes he gets a treat. I do believe that's why he goes every 1/2 hour. lol Smart, smart kid! Stupid, stupid mom!!! lol Oh well the money I save on diapers will just go towards buying candy the rest of his life!!


ALRO said...

It's giving YOU nightmares?!??!? Sheeesh!!

Good for Crazy-Boy on actually peeing..
Now you get stickers and a sticker-book .. and when he pees standing up -he gets a sticker.. ;)

Jamie said...

Gosh, your kids are cute. You need to post more pictures of them (and less of ladies that give us ALL nightmares)! That is awesome that Crazy is using the potty... Now that my little one is in a cast potty training will be postponed even longer...

Christie E. Little said...

!!!!! Which wineries and what wine?! I'm craving that little trip right about now.


Happy Anniversary.

Christie E. Little said...

PS..I finally updated my blog and blogroll. xoxo

Linda said...

Your kids are soo cute!!

I'm LMAO off about the treats, because that's exactly how it was with us. Even though we've been pee potty trained for over 6 months, she will occasionally STILL ask for a freakin' marshmallow. I don't even have anymore in the house, but for months and months she got two every time she went pee and eventually five for poop.

Christie E. Little said...

ok you're on now. lol...don't know what i did..lol.