Wednesday, June 27, 2007 got me thinking

Jamie got me to thinking...I know, a dangerous thing, considering my condition, but hey, sometimes it's worth it. lol

She got me thinking about summers as a kid. What we used to do. How we used to play. The innocence of it all.

I so wish for times like that for my kids. To be able to go out, and know every single one of your neighbors. Even the ones a mile up the road. To not have to worry about pedophiles, or freaky people. To be able to go out in the woods and build forts, and clubhouses, and ride your bikes for miles and not worry about getting hit by cars. To climb trees and dig holes and not worry about black widows, and desert snakes. lol. It actually makes me sad. I remember the flowers, like the honeysuckles, that we'd pick and stick in our mouths. The wild blackberries that we'd pick by the bucket fulls, and then take home to put in our morning cereal. The wild rhubarb that we'd pick and eat. The corn we'd pick from the field to have for dinner that night. The pumpkins we'd pick from Grandpa's patch to carve for Halloween. Gosh, I could go on and on.

The funny thing, all we did was bitch and complain back then.

"Mom, I'm Bored!!!"

"Mom, there's nothing to do!"

"Mom, can we come in and watch TV??"

And the answer was always..

"No, go find something to do!"

And then the door would be closed, and sometimes, even locked! lol

Things can never be the way they used to can they? Things were so easy.

Well, I must go off and tuck my little one into bed. I hope everyone has a great summer!

Grandma and Grandpa's farm that we grew up on

Me and Sissy Beth being dorks when we were younger!


Nature Girl said...

As I was reading this, I, she's describing exactly my childhood in MI. and then I grew up in MI too..LOL I miss those little tiny wild strawberries. you remember them don't you? No strawberry in the world tastes like them, but you'd spend HOURS just getting enough for one batch of jam with a few left over for cereal. Damn I miss those strawberries. Those were the best! I love the pics of the farm and you and Beth...very cool

ALRO said...

times are alot different now tho'..
Back in our day (ok my day), i was able to go out bike-riding all over town when i was 10 years old without fear of abduction...
Not so much anymore...

Our culture as parents these days is all about protecting our children by preventing them from venturing out further than the front lawn... kinda sucks ..

when I was 7 years old and i got on my mom's nerves she'd tell me to go to the park.. that was a mile and a half away... across main roads... we didn't worry about that shit back then...

*sigh* ahhh.. the 70's ! :)

Me said...

Niiiice. Thanks for posting THAT picture. LOL. I remember the day we took that :)

Yah I know what you mean though. I miss those days too. Seems like forever ago, yet just like yesterday. Where'd you get that pic of the farm? That's a great one of it. Before Mr. and Mrs. Penis took over. What makes me sad is our kids will never get to even experience farm cuz of those assholes. Such a damn shame.

Love ya!

Jamie said...

It is really sad how different things are now from when we were kids (and I don't think I'm that old)! But I would never even let my kids play on the street out front by themselves for fear of some sick pervert taking them! And I used to ride my bike ALL over (saving for another 'summer' post). I love the farm picture!

for a different kind of girl said...

When I grew up (in the same town I now live in, but a much smaller version of it), we were dressed, downed a bowl of cereal, and were out the door for the remainder of the day. Kickball in our front yard. Bikes everywhere. Always at the park. Chasing boys. At a friends. First light until we pushed it as long as we could once the street lights came on. And our parents never worried about us. Ever. And we never checked in with them. Ever.

I miss that part of summer a ton. Especially as my kids are coming in and out and in and out of the house constantly, searching for something to do (there's plenty!). I say let's find a way to reverse rolls with them!

Melissa said...

My new blog addy is

Amie said...

Isn't it a sign that your getting old when you remember the good ole days? LOL

Liza said...

dorky dorks!!!!!

kimmyk said...

Hahaha! I forgot about my mom locking the door til I read this and I was like "OMG my mom did that too!"

Yeah times change. That's for sure.