Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You know you've been married to long when.....

You offer to have phone sex with your Hubs even though he is lying right next to you.


for a different kind of girl said...

Honestly, sometimes you *do* have to just call it in...

Me said...

LOL...what???? You guys are hilarious!

kimmyk said...

You're crazy!

Nature Girl said...

yes, but did he accept your offer or turn you down?
(I got turned down)

ALRO said...

you know you're married when you offer phone sex with your hubs and your hubs says, "I'd rather not right now..."

ALRO said...

gah! Shoulda read stacie's post..
Good mind Stace!!! we all think alike.

Choppzs said...

Ummm...actually it was my way of saying "I don't want to get physical tonight" lol Hubs would have LOVED to have phone sex! lol