Anyways. I figured I'd get a small post in while the kids are keeping themselves busy with crayons and markers and drawing all over my table.
And look at our pumpkins. We've never grown anything. I have this black thumb you see, but Crazy, he wanted some seeds. So a couple months ago we got him some pumpkin seeds and cucumber seeds. Hell, they were on clearance for 10 cents. He planted them, and look! He is so proud of them. We have been watering them like crazy, just to make sure they stay alive in this heat. He's going to be my little farmer!
But look at my flowers. I wanted some hanging plants to spruce up the back patio. I got these from Home Deathpot.
Me: "Mam, could you help me. I'm not good with plants. In fact, I kill most everything I touch. Could you help me choose a nice plant that will take the heat and sun, and all I have to do is water it and it will stay alive."
*Home Deathpot lady laughs*
"Well mam, these here are lovely flowers. I'm not sure exactly what kind they are....maybe Impatients..You don't need to trim them, you don't have to transplant them. You just need to make sure they are in partial shade and you should water them 1 to 2 times daily. They suck allot of water, so make sure they stay moist! But other then that, they are pretty hearty plants."
Me: "So are these the kind that will come back year after year, or will they just die and I have to replace them?"
"They are perennials. They will look dead in the winter, but will pop back up next spring if you start to water them again!"
"Oh good. Well those sound like my kind of plants. No transplanting. No trimming. Water twice a day. And they may look dead, but they really aren't. I'll take 2!"
Look at them now...
Actually they may not be dead. There are still buds all over it. But the damn things have never bloomed. And I water them 2 times a day. The leaves have fallen off, and the stupid things are not sprucing back up.
I've killed it.
Maybe I should have let Crazy take care of them????
We've had rain here in the sunny south for the last 3 days, it's so humid out today it feels soggy. It's horrible!
Sorry about your flowers. I have no luck with them either.
I struggle with plants too, I am finding that I usually err on the side of too much water because we live in the desert and I'm afraid they are going to die. Maybe cut back to once a day? Good luck, I have nothing left, mine all fried this summer.
it rains so much here it feels like seattle. which really if you're asking me-isn't a bad thing at all.
i was going to suggest that crazy take care of your plants, but you beat me to it!
i love how it smells after it rains...i'd totally let mother nature have her way with me if she left me with that after the rain smell.
If mother nature has her way with you I'm bustin out the camcorder!!!
Yep those are impatients. Those poor things :) Just water the shit outta them. They dry out so fast.
Yay for Crazy! That's so cool that he has a green thumb. Those pumpkins and cucumbers look awesome!
This is the first summer I've not gotten any hanging baskets or planted anything. Either I or the rabbits will kill them fast. Also, we've had way too much rain this season (not to rub it in, because it's been nothing but nasty and flooding, but omg, you've not had rain for more than a year!?!) and things I do have pretty much drowned.
On the other side of this, everytime I see that sparkling smile on your son over here, I absolutely can't help but break out in a grin. That kid is infectious!
Move here we get rain almost every afternoon. I love your garden. I'm pretty jealous of it. Crazy is doing a good job. Your like me I can kill any plant. I'm attempting to do watermelons which should do well in our sandy soil but well hmm. Yeah! Have a great weekend!
Oops, I've missed you because my blogroll doesn't update you since you went private and I thought you hadn't posted in awhile. My bad! Anyway, I have a black thumb as well so no advise there. Great looking pumpkin plants!
that would be pretty kinky if you and mother nature got it on :D
dang that's some hot hot heat!!!
great pics of the plants,i had to laugh at the planter,impatients are annuals,i thought...they're pretty but too high maintance for me,i like plants that take care of themselves,all you do is dust them once a month:)
put them in the shade...maybe they're getting too much sun..they're more shade lovers than sun lovers. And as for coming back next year...dont' hold your breath..with impatiens that's very rare.
Next time go for petunias..they come in a huge variety of color, some even striped and I kid you not you can hit them with the lawn mower and they'll come back a week later. You CANT kill them. (as long as you keep them watered) and the more you dead head the more you'll get. and if you let them go to seed, they will come back next year..and the year after though not as strong and not as many...and they're cheap so even if they don't come back next year, it's easy to replace them.. me on this..if you have a black thumb then petunias are for you.
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