Do you see that? That's right, that's Mother Nature's smile after she got down and dirty with me this weekend like I promised her she could.
It rained, for all of about 10 minutes total this weekend. It was gloomy, and dark and oh so delightful though most of the weekend. I LOVED it!
I would have taken some snaps of the kids going bananas in a puddle of water, but the stupid camera went dead. See, I have this thing about not charging my camera. I suck..this I know.
On another, totally different subject.
Old people should not drive.
If you are over the age of 70, only 4 foot tall, and need glasses the size of your head to see, I highly recommend getting someone to chauffeur you around. Driving around on the highway at 45 miles per hour, shuffling in and out of my lane, while my big ass Expedition is coming up on your ass is going to get you killed. You probably saw allot of things coming from my Hubs that your 80 yr. old ass has never seen before. That alone, may stop your heart.
Stay off the F*cken roads.
Another subject.
Why is it that we have had such rotten luck with eating out lately.
Is it hard to get a little bowl of salsa from the kitchen?
Maybe I'm asking to much.
Maybe walking back to the kitchen, yelling for kitchen staff to grab you a bowl of salsa, or ranch, taking it from their hands, and walking it to a table of customers is just to much.
1 time. Fine, I can ask again.
2 times. Ok buddy, I've asked once, now can you Pllllease get me the bowl of salsa I asked for twice and 10 minutes ago?
3 times. Ok asshole, I know you didn't forget that bowl of salsa a 3rd time. And then you have the nerve to come and ask how everything is going? Get me my f*cken salsa and ranch gosh dammit!!
Minus the spit or urine please????
i agree with u too,too much of a risk to themselves and others then on the other side,the teenage driver is sometimes as bad too:(
I agree. Glasses a foot thick is not a good thing, especially when they're wearing them while driving.
As for the service, I really can't believe he asked how everything was after that. WTF is he thinking? Although the yumminess of the food kinda made up for it.
Crappy servie is a petpeeve of mine. After being a server for years, I just don't understand why they can't work for their tip!!
Oh my heck! We live next to Sun City, huge retirement community. Driving, shopping, it all becomes difficult when the old people come out! God love'em, I know I will be old one day, but dang! know enough to get out of the way when younger people are trying to get somewhere! My husband and I say they should not come out until
10 a.m. and need to be back home, off of the road by 3 p.m. Oh, and the golf carts on the main roads! Don't get me started!
As for the bad service, i hope your tip reflected his piss-poor service! No excuse when you are the reason he has a job!
I started to totally crave some chips and salsa as I was reading this, and thought, "I am going to go get some chips and salsa after I read this...."
Then I got to the spit and urine part, and now, yep, not really craving it anymore!
sometimes you really can't be sure what they put in the food they serve you. lol
ignorance is bliss, they say.
Ugh, I hate bad service...its like why can't they just do their job??? It IS their job! And ya, who knows what goes into our food? Yuck...
ugh...i hate having to ask..I figure by the second time I have to ask I might as well not bother cuz it's going to come with something a little exta in it and by then, i don't want it anymore..
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