Friday, July 06, 2007

A Big, Huge.....

F You to the Sun and Heat Gods. I know you all hear me bitch day in and day out about this heat and crap here, but for crying out loud I can't even leave my damn house without melting into a stinkin puddle.

Last night Hubs and I were outside on the patio. It was 9:30 or 10 pm and when I checked the temp....102. Even after the sun goes down, and all that, it is still over 100.

Heat stroke. That's all that comes to mind. Well that, and I wish I had a skinny, little, cute body because then I wouldn't be so afraid to go outside butt naked. But at this rate, all you neighbors are gonna have to suck it up, and kiss my rear because I am ready to show off this not so great, less then stellar, chubby birthday suit.

Pull down the blinds, and hide the children because I am raring to go! lol


Me said...

Man, oh man, are Dani and I in a world of hurt when we go out there. I can just see the headlines now: "Michigan tourists in Vegas to never be seen again--it is likely they were thrown into the fires of heat hell".

So we're attempting a little potty training right now. It's only been an hour but I can already tell it's gonna be a huge uphill battle with this one. I just can't take the diapers anymore!!!!! She needs to learn already!

Jamie said...

That is HOT!!!! YIKES!!!

Christie E. Little said...

Go Naked Baby! Wooohooo!!!!!

Sorry about the heat babe. I do remember Tucson @122. It was horrible. At one point we thought retiring to Tucson would be awesome. Now...WTF were we thinking. LOL.

Lisa said...

Wow... a 102 after the sun goes down?! Sorry to hear you're melting over there!

P.S. Where in MD did you used to live?

Fantastagirl said...

that's just not normal - 102 at NIGHT? I'd be getting a little pool for the kiddies and sitting in it myself!

Choppzs said...


In MD, Hubs went to school in Aberdeen, and we lived in Edgewood. When we first moved there we lived in Aberdeen, but luckily we got moved to the base housing in Edgewood because we were living in the ghetto, and it just wasn't pretty! lol I believe now though that the basehousing is torn down, or vacant because they said it wasn't up to standards when we were there (that was in 97) so they said it wasn't going to be used anymore. But hell, compared to Marine Corps base housing we were in heaven!! lol

for a different kind of girl said...

I'll try to refrain from busting out how 99 here is a bitch and all, how we're trapped in our house because we have no shade and my kids...god, my kids...I'm close to moving somewhere cool and not leaving a forwarding address for anyone living under this roof with me at the moment...

Good luck doing whatever you have to to stay cool!

kimmyk said...

When we lived in Georgia it would get HOT like Haiti's down there. Well over 100 and I remember one time Adam passing out. I don't mind the heat-but I gotta have a retreat once in a while in the shade.

I say get naked, get some cool water and a fan. That should do the trick.

shoeaddict said...

Thanks for stopping by!
I live in south Louisiana... I feel ya. Do what you got to... the neighbors don't like it? they'll turn their heads!

Nature Girl said...

I hear ya! It wasn't near that hot here today, and I seriously think I had a touch of heatstroke, though I won't tell DH that. He'd be carting me off to the ER so fast it'd make your head spin.
I don't know how you do it with temps that high...I like the heat, but that's ridiculous!

ALRO said...

Yikes... we get rain.. you get hot weather..
That sucks.. eh?
I'll trade ya..

Liza said...

I do not envy that heat! the humidity has been like 100% and 90 degrees and i can't handle that at all.

i say real women have curves, go outside loud and proud and show off your nakedness :) i'm about to do that lol!