I think this is the longest I have gone without posting in a while!
This weekend was a long one.
Friday was Hubs's Birthday. The big 3-0. I didn't do my usual Happy Birthday post. So to you Honey, Happy Birthday! Don't worry, I still love you even though you think you are old! lol
Saturday was just another hot, sticky day. Did a little shopping at Walmart, then went to a friend's house about a half hour away to watch some fireworks. It sucked! It lasted a bit over 2 or 3 mins maybe. Yah, sucked! We did celebrate a little on our own though with our much wanted purchases from Vegas. I didn't bring the camera though, so I didn't get any pictures.
Tonight we are going to the drive in to watch a movie. That new Disney movie. Whatever the hell the name of it is. Getting some ice cream, eating some theatre munchies and watching a movie outside seems like the perfect end to the weekend.
I am really starting to hate these summer days. I love the sun, I love being outside, but when it gets to be over 100, it's so miserable you can't even go outside. Right now, it is 4:30pm and it is 109. Crazy shit. The kids always want to go out and play in the pool and all that, but just sitting out there just makes you start to feel queasy. I got one hell of a sunburn last weekend though, going out mid-day and mowing and weedwacking. Yah, I wanted to rid myself of the dreaded farmer's tan I had going on, so I put on my tank top, and went out. Yah, I was hurting for a week or so. Did I get rid of the tan? Uh, no. My body seems to only tan in certain areas, now my lower arms are really dark. My back and cleavage area just got burnt all to shit. lol Gotta love being a really white girl! lol
Ok, I am off to eat, and get ready to go watch a movie. Hope everyone's weekend was good! Tata!
Is it the Rat movie? That looks cute! No shit? 109 degrees?? No thanks! I like the heat, but that's ridiculous. I thought the upper 90's was bad...nobody told me it got that hot here. LOL
Glad you're enjoying your weekend and happy Birthday to Mr. Choppzs. He's NOT old. Believe me!
MAN! It is HOT there!!! Why don't you get in the pool too???
We bust up to 100-plus here come mid summer in Iowa, but it's the damn heat index that pairs with it that makes it even more unbearable. Add that to feeling cooped up in the house...sigh...
The movie things sounds like so much fun! Must have been an outdoor thing huh? There are hardly any drive-ins around here anymore.
Yah talk about getting burnt. I charred last week too! I mean, CHARRED! My back is still recovering and that was over a week ago now. I'm peeling like a sonofabitch!
wooooo.. 3-0 ... I'm pushing 3-8!! :)
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