Friday, May 25, 2007

Torn, confused, scared, all that good BS

Last night, Hubs and I went to look at a house we'd been interested in. It's a beautiful house, with almost 3 acres of land. It's on a dirt road, out in the middle of nowhere. I absolutely love that aspect of it. I get butterflies in my stomach though, thinking of all the crap you have to do to buy a home. How much money you have to spend, and all the legalities that go along with it. We really like the home itself, the only bad thing is that it is an older manufactured home, so some parts of it you get the "trailer" feeling on the inside. For instance, the walls are panelled. I HATE that. But then it is so open and big and kitchen is so cute, you wouldn't even think that it was a manufactured home. It would definitely get repainted, and new carpeting and of course new window treatments. But then you go outdoors and the acreage just goes on and on. There were quails and jackrabbits everywhere. They have the acres sectioned off right now, but we decided if we do buy it we will take out all the fencing (except the fence that surrounds the whole property) and just make it one open chunk of land. It's beautiful out there. No highways close by, nothing but horse land, and a couple neighbors up the road. This is what I have been wanting for the last 10 years. With growing up on a farm, I have missed living in the middle of nothing. Where I don't have to worry about my kids getting hit by cars, and just letting them go out to play without worry. I love the fact that you smell manure outside, and pine trees. Yes, it has trees. Do you know how long it has been since I have lived somewhere with trees all around?? A long, long time. But it would need allot of work and money. And with me being the way I am, I couldn't let shit go undone. I am so torn. The land itself is worth the money, and this property is very cheap. Any and all advice is much appreciated. Oh and we may also be looking at another property tonight. This one has almost 5 acres of land and the house looks like a barn, but hey we gotta keep our options open ya know?? Who knows! lol

Onto other news, Baby Chubby is finally getting up on his feet. Well he has been for about a month now, but he's getting more and more independent. That's right 16 months and he's still not walking. The others did the same thing though, so I know before to long he will be running around the house. This morning Crazy Chubby was trying to help him get up on the chair with him. I love it when they are nice to each other! It's rare! lol

Oh and today I am another year older! Wouldn't it be a nice gift to find a house?? lol


kimmyk said...

Good luck with the house.

I miss things about growing up in the country-mostly the windows open with the country air blowing through and being able to yell out my windows if i want or walk around outside in a tshirt and undies.

i hope it all works out for you.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Choppz,
Happy Birthday to you!

Now, go get yourself a house for you birthday!!!!

I know there's lots to think about with buying a home & it's a big leap. We bought our first one about 3 years ago & it was scary (made my tummy hurt!) but after everything was all said & done, it was the best decision ever! I am so sad that we have to move now... I'm going to miss this place SO MUCH! Anyway, good-luck with the house hunting! Hope everything works out well!

Me said...

Happy birthday Sissy...AGAIN :D Hope you got Baby Girl's message on your machine :)

I think you should go for it. It is a big responsibility and you will want to do everything at once but just take baby steps. One thing at a time. I know how you feel though. I was that way when we moved in here. I wanted everything done NOW! Look at us now, 5 yrs later and finally most everything we wanted done is about done. Geesh! I think you'd be much happier there too!

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!
Love ya!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! Your boys look like twins. Good luck house hunting. If you really like the manfactured house you can always take the seams in the paneling off, tape, mud and sand it, then paint over and it will look like regular house walls.

Nature Girl said...

First of all, Happy Birthday!! You don't look a day over 21! ;)

About the house, it's natural to have worries and second guess yourself about every bit of it, it's a big purchase and a major undertaking. We are about to leave our very first house that we've ever owned and while it was a lot of work, it's been worth every bit of money we've sunk into it. Just remember, any impovments you make on it will come back to you when you decide to leave. The nice thing is you get to make it yours! Who says that paneling has to stay? You can take it down and drywall or paint. Whatever you have to do to make it YOUR home! Sounds like a dream to me, in the country, jack rabbits and pines. I miss those things so much. I think coming from MI, I get exactly what you're saying about that...that's how I grew up to..very rural. While I don't miss the small town mentality, I sure do miss the open country roads and the smell of cow manure! LOL
Good luck. You'll know the decision is right for you when you make it.
Happy Birthday!

Fantastagirl said...

Happy Birthday!! - I hope that you are able to make up your mind, and that the house hunting goes well for you!

Ben said...

Happy Birthday Heather! I hope you were spoiled *rotten* as any good birthday girl should be.

Jamie said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Buying a house is scary, but it is so nice having your home! Keep us posted!

ALRO said...

Happy Belated bday.... *big bday smooches* ...

Hope you get the manure-outside-smelling-house ... always wanted one of those...

Gotta dump the panelling tho'... Like with some cheesy victorian wallpaper.. YA BABY!!! shag carpet (orange and red shag too)... and pictures of dogs playing crazy eights on the wall...

Sends shivers through my spine just thinking about it.

Seriously tho' good luck with getting the house.

ALRO said...

Gah!!! We suffered a loss!!!! Noooooo!!!

Oh well.. they didn't look too bad... in fact Ottawa outplayed the Duck for most of the game... - but there were times the Ducks just came at us.. .and we were struggling to hold on...

But we've up'd the anty... if you hit my blog - you'll see how!!

Linda said...

I'm catching up here so I'm reading all the posts in order...

Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day!!

I hope that I read in the future posts that you will be moving soon!