Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pink Chubbies Everywhere

You see the new pics? Aren't they cute? I love pigs. I think they are the cutest little things. Well when they are babies anyways. We call them pink chubbies. That's right. Every time we are driving down the highway, and see a semi full of pigs we say "Look, it's pink chubbies". I don't know or remember how it got started, but that's what they are. Pink Chubbies.

Tonight is the LOST season finale. I am so excited. I can't wait to see who dies and what's in store for next season.

On a sadder note, our neighbor died. She was a very sweet, old lady. It's that damn cancer again. Granted, she was older, but I know she would have had many more years if it wasn't for that damn blasted disease. She was such a sweet lady. She would always ask us how we were and how the kids were when we'd see her out getting her mail. She'd wave and talk idle chit chat when we would be out doing the lawn work. It's sad.

On a much lighter note, the kids may get chicken pox! lol My neighbor came over to inform me that her two kids have it, and to be on the watch for it. Our kids play together all the time, and Crazy and her little girl just played together yesterday. It kind of freaks me out. I mean, I remember having it as a kid, but these days it seems like they have made it out to be something bigger and more serious. Just like with the flu. When I was a kid, you laid there, puked your guts up, drank water and cola syrup for the upset stomach, puked again, fell asleep and the next day you felt better. These days you have to go to the docs for the flu, get some sort of prescription meds and God forbid you don't get the flu shot or you might keel over and die. So in other words, it worries me a bit, I mean about the pox, but like Hubs said, it's better they get it now then when they are adults. So I guess I will be calling on Ma to see how she handled it. If she even remembers! lol


Nature Girl said...

Mine had it when they were little, but unfortunately before I knew they had it, we had gone to a military shindig and I exposed them to 14 other kids and a pregnant woman. Those were not fun phone calls to make, I felt wretched! I'd never have gone if I had known, but they spots didn't come till the next day. It's so much better for them to have it when they're young...especially boys..if they get it as adults it can cause them to become sterile. Plus, look at it this way, as a mother and a wife, who would you rather be around, sick kids or sick hubby?? know what I'm sayin' don't ya? ;P
I'll take 10 sick kids over my sick hubby any day of the week..
Good luck, I'll be crossing my fingers for you.
ps..I did see the sad part on LOST last was really sad!
I'll watch the rest soon

Me said...

Pink chubbies reminds me of something and it's not

Mom made us sit in the bathtub with some shit she put in the water. What she put in it now escapes me, but we had to sit in it and then she slathered us with the pink shit. You'll have to ask her what the crap in the water was though :) Hope they don't get it!