Thursday, May 24, 2007


Last nights season finale of LOST was great! It was emotional, crazy, and had me throwing my fists in the air shouting "Hell yah, beat the shit out of him Jack!!" lol Although poor Charlie died (which had me tearing up) it was still good to see more of the "Others" offed then our characters! I can't wait to see what's in store for next season!


Lisa said...

Oh, I love love love Lost!!! What a great surprise ending too!!!! I can't wait until next season!

Nice new look to the blog! Love the pink chubbies (hee hee!!!)

Hope the Chicken Pox passes the kiddies by! Isn't there a vaccination against it now?

Choppzs said...

Lisa: Yes there is a vaccine for it now, but kids get it when they get their kindergarden shots. My oldest girl has had it, but the boys haven't! They say even if they have had the vaccine, it doesn't guarantee against it, just makes the duration of it shorter. Just like with the flu shot!

Me said...

Oh and love the pink piggies. You've gotten quiet creative there Sissy poo. Must be those boys aren't keeping you busy enough...haha :D